Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Female Body Building Videos

The Bodybuilding Trainer asked:

With the rising popularity of female body building, videos that showcase the sport are available in many, many places. Sculpting the perfect female body has become an obsession for many women these days. When you are able to build a great body, what better way to showcase that body than with your very own video?

If you are a female involved heavily in body building, you may want to look into making your own video. Many people these days own their own video cameras. Have a friend tape you posing in different positions and then view the way you look to make sure that you are working all parts of your body to their maximum potential

You may want to look into finding female body building videos so that you have a goal to aspire to. When you are able to view a woman's body that has been worked to near perfection, it can be great motivation to keep on with your workout regimen. Believe it or not, there are many, many places where you can find female body building videos.

Start with amazon.com to find female body building videos. They have over 50 selections that you can choose from that feature women who are posing, in competitions, or performing exercises. You can use these videos as motivation as well as models to strive for in your body building workout.

Check out some of the hardcore body building sites for some great female body building videos. They offer up a variety of videos that can showcase some of the top women in the field of body building. When you buy a video of female body builders, you will learn some of the best ways to work your body naturally.

If you are a member of a local gym, ask them for their advice about what female body building videos would help you the best. They will most likely be able to provide you with at least a few places for you to look. Many gyms also have their own libraries of videos that can help you along the way in your body building goals.

Don't pay too much money for your videos. Do a quick Internet search for female body building videos and see what exactly is out there. You can come across videos that will help you along the road toward your body building goals.

Even though body building has generally been thought of as a man's sport, women are starting to take over. When you find a women's body building video, take notes and emulate what these women are doing to sculpt beautiful bodies. Then you can take their advice and do what they do to make your body look the way you always dreamed it could look.

Body Building Clothes

Steve W Sharpe asked:

When you are a serious body builder, choosing your body building clothes can be a strange decision you have to make. After all, you have to keep in mind what you are wanting to achieve in your body building workout – and, believe it or not, your clothes can make a difference in the effectiveness of your workout.

Some people really don’t put any thought into their body building clothes. They throw on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and head to the gym. This might work for some people, but you really should put a little thought into your body building clothes.

The biggest consideration you need to keep in mind is comfort. When you are undertaking an intense body building routine, you need to be able to move around easily. You should wear clothing that allows you to move freely without constraint.

For both men and women, the ideal body building clothing choice would be a tank top and shorts. This type of clothes allows you to move your body and work your muscles without the restraint of tight fitting or binding material.

When choosing body building clothes, keep in mind that you are going to sweat. That sweat can help you melt off body fat and can also help your muscles work more effectively. So, you might want to choose some clothes that will keep the sweat in and make it work for you.

Spandex clothing can be good for keeping the sweat in. Spandex will hold in body heat and allow the sweat to work for you. You may also want to wear sweat pants that are designed to keep body heat where it can work for you best of all. Reebok even makes body building clothing that will emit peppermint scent when your body starts to sweat. I don’t know about you, but it sure sounds like a smart thing to me!

When you are competing in body building competitions, you will want to choose clothing that can show off your body in the most tasteful way possible. The idea in contests is to show off the muscles you have worked so hard to build, so pick a swim suit that is a complementary color and that makes your body look as good as it has become.

So many people don’t really put much thought into the type of clothes they choose for body building, but it really can be an important part of your workout. While being in the gym is by no means a fashion show, you will still want to dress for comfort as well as effectiveness. Put a little thought into your body building clothes and make your workout work for you!

Natural Body Building

The Bodybuilding Trainer asked:

In the sport of body building, there are many supplements that can be used to grow muscles quickly, but many of these substances are man-made like steroids. Natural body building is done without the benefit of artificial substances being put into the body. That doesn't mean not using body building supplements as many of these are natural products. What it means is staying away from man-made hormones and steroids to aid in building body mass.

The body building industry has taken a very firm stance on the use of illegal and artificial substances - especially in competitions. There are even specific contests geared toward natural body builders. Most competitions will test participants prior to allowing them to compete, and if someone is found to have an illegal substance in their body, they are banned from participating.

While synthetic products will grow your body very quickly, they can have horrible side effects. The trend toward natural body building is about growing your body, maximizing your nutritional intake, as well as staying healthy while you are growing your muscles.

When you decide that natural body building is the route you want to go, it's important that you get the right amount of nutrients and vitamins that will maximize your workout sessions. That means taking a multi-vitamin and eating properly in ways that will send muscle building proteins to the right parts of your body.

It is more than possible to grow your body naturally through an effective weight training program coupled with good nutrition. There is no reason why steroids or growth hormones need to be introduced into the body for ultimate muscle mass.

One of the key components of a natural body building program is to eat healthy and maintain a positive mindset when it comes to your workout program. Supplements are also important when you want toned, fit muscles. The ingredients in supplements like creatine and glutamine are naturally produced in the human body anyway. What the supplements do is increase or enhance those substances that are naturally there anyway.

Proponents of natural body building will agree that an effective workout program coupled with effective supplements and nutrition can make for a healthy, toned body. Natural body building is definitely the way to go if your goal in a body building program is to get healthy and feel good. Steroids and growth hormones should be avoided at all costs.

Body building the natural way is best for everyone. Steroids are not. Don't take the chance that you will suffer ill effects from steroid use. Just know that a strong workout program and a commitment to your body building goals will grow your body in a natural way not an artificial way.

Body Building Supplements

The Bodybuilding Trainer asked:

If you are serious about body building, you will want to consider adding a body building supplement to your nutritional program. Supplements are sort of like vitamins. They add to what you are already doing when eating right for body building and provide you with more of what your body needs to grow muscle.

You have many choices when it comes to body building supplements. There are hundreds of brands on the market, and the choice is up to you which one you want to use. They are all essentially the same, but some companies are more trustworthy than others. Pick a company that is well known and well-respected who has proven results.

As for what types of supplements you should use, there are basically four different ones that can help you in your workout program. These include:

* Protein powders

* Creatine

* Glutamine

* Nitric Oxide

Each has its own distinct advantages depending on what you are trying to achieve in your body building program. Protein helps build strong muscle, creatine combats fatigue allowing for longer, more effective workouts, glutamine helps combat the stress you are putting your body under during a workout, and nitric oxide increases the flow of muscle building agents to skeletal muscle.

Another supplement many body builders use should be avoided. In order to grow quickly, some body builders will resort to the use of synthetic steroids and growth hormones. However, these body building supplements can have damaging side effects. Many of these substances are illegal, and if you are competing in body building competitions, you will be disqualified if they are found in your system.

Body building supplements are generally considered safe to use for most people. If you are considering using a supplement, you should check with a doctor first. If you have any underlying conditions, the doctor will be able to tell you if using a specific supplement can help or ultimately hurt you.

Supplements in a body building program are just part of the sports. You probably won't find a serious body builder who doesn't use them. But be sure to use those that are legal and safe to use. If they aren't, you may find you are hurting yourself rather than helping.

Body building supplements can be great tools to help you grow muscles and enhance your workouts. It's possible to get by without them, but they can really add to your workouts and help you achieve your body building goals. Choose your supplements wisely, and use them regularly. Then keep up with your body building routine and realize great results!

Body Building Women: Lifting Their Way To The Top

Wade Robins asked:

Body building among women has taken a very long time to catch on, and part of the delay has been that bodybuilding, until about forty years ago, was considered the domain of men. Until the 1980s, in fact, there were no professional body building women, and women who entertained the idea of strength training had their sexual orientation questioned.

But over the past two decades, women have been taking an increasingly prominent role in the sport of body building, and professional body building women have more opportunities to compete than ever before. The rising awareness of the importance of personal fitness which swept over the Baby Boomers as they approached middle age saw health clubs and fitness centers opening, it seemed, on every other block, and their managements understood that a woman's money was just as good as a man's.

Females who wanted to sculpt their bodies through weight training were not only welcome in those gyms; they were invited to participate in classes on body building for women. Some of them proved to be excellent pupils, and the professional bodybuilding women's circuit was on its way.

"Pumping Iron II"

The rise of body building among women was the subject of the 1985 documentary "Pumping Iron II", a sequel of sorts to 1977's "Pumping Iron" which featured a very young Arnold Schwarzenegger before the Terminator was a gleam in a scriptwriter's eye. "Pumping Iron II" focused on a group of body building women preparing for competition at the 1983 Caesar's World Cup.

The Caesar's World Cup, however, was a body building women's competition staged specifically for the movie; the competition was open to both amateur and professional body building women--which violated the International Federation of Body Building's rules--and one of the film's screenwriters was also one of the competition's judges, even though he had never before seen a body building women's contest.

In spite of all its quirks, "Pumping Iron II" managed to bring female bodybuilding into the public's consciousness, and its body building women began to be appreciated for the world-class athletes that they were.

The body building women competitive circuit is still growing and gaining a bigger and bigger following. It is not yet as recognized as the men's body building circuit, but that is to be expected, because it has been around for a much shorter time. In another three decades, it may very well have caught up!

From the success of this documentary, much recognition and respect was accorded to the female practitioners who have labored in the shadow of their more popular male counterparts for far too long.

Today, the body building women professional circuit continues to grow and gain in popularity. While it has not achieved the same level of popularity as the men's circuit, it has strongly gained popularity to a degree far greater than what existed three decades ago. Hopefully, this growth will continue and the world of body building women professional circuit will thrive and prosper.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Encyclopedia of Body Building

The Bodybuilding Trainer asked:

An encyclopedia gives a great amount of information about specific topics to people interested in learning more about a subject. An encyclopedia of body building should contain information about not only the sport of body building, but also body building as a way of life.

There are some great tools available to the aspiring body builder including definitions, suggestions, advice, and much more. You can find some great resources when it comes to searching for an encyclopedia of body building. These resources can be online or even in book form.

When online, you might want to check out www.bodybuildingpro.com. Their website touts them as the encyclopedia of body building, and there's some great information to be found in here. You can get tips on how to workout properly, data on the best supplements to use, and ways to get the proper nutrition for an effective body building routine.

Another great website is www.bodybuilding.com. This "Super Site" tells about upcoming competitions for body builders along with some terrific tips and advice about workout programs and positive mindsets. There is also a great motivational section with hundreds of articles about how to stay on track with your body building program.

For teens who are looking for a comprehensive encyclopedia of body building, check out www.teenbodybuilding.com. This site is directly aimed toward teen body builders and how young people can workout properly without injury. Their articles give some great information to help any teen with his or her body building program.

Many body building experts have written some great books about the sport. Body building great Arnold Schwarzeneggar has collaborated with fitness expert Bill Dobbins to publish The New Encyclopedia of Body Building: The Bible of Body Building which is available in many bookstores as well as online at amazon.com.

Weight lifting expert Paul Ward has also published a book on body building. His Encyclopedia of Weight Training concentrates on the weight lifting portion of a body building program. It tells about how to incorporate weight lifting into your exercise plan and how to perform those exercises correctly to minimize the chance of injury.

If you are looking for an encyclopedia of body building, you have many resources at your fingertips when you look for them. Find a comprehensive guide to body building that will give you accurate information about the sport and tell you what you need to know. A complete encyclopedia of body building can be a great tool in your quest for the perfect body.

The Best Body Building Supplement

The Bodybuilding Trainer asked:

How can you define which body building supplement is the best? After all, there are so many different brands and types that you can use to enhance your body building workouts that finding the best one can be quite confusing. When we say the word "best", we should be talking about which body building supplement will give you the best results.

Most expert body builders agree that the most effective body building supplement that you can put into your body is protein. Protein helps bring all the necessary muscle building enzymes to where they need to be. Protein can also boost your energy level and allow for more intense workouts.

Whey protein could be one of the best protein supplements you can implement into your workout program. It's all natural and can give the best results when it's taken in the right doses and the right amounts.

You could also choose creatine for a body building supplement. Creatine also helps combat fatigue and allows for better workouts. Creatine is naturally produced in your body, so taking a creatine supplement in your body building routine can bring about the best results.

When you are lifting weights in your body building workout, your muscles are under a certain amount of stress. The body produces nitric oxide to combat this stress. If you have a particularly stressful workout, you'll need to replenish that enzyme with a body building supplement. Nitric oxide can also have some great side effects with sexual health, so if you think this is the best body building supplement for you, by all means, choose it.

Glutamine is another body building supplement that is considered one of the best for the maximum results. Glutamine works to bring muscle building nutrients to the muscles so that they can grow bigger and become more toned.

Choosing the best body building supplement has to be a personal decision. Keep in mind your goals and then pick the supplement that will help you achieve those goals. Each specific supplement provides for certain results, so picking the right one will make the difference between having an effective workout as opposed to an ineffective workout.

Research different brands and pick a company that has proven results. There are many companies who claim to have effective products when they are really just providing supplements that don't do anything at all. Read different reviews of specific products and then make the right choice for you. Picking the best body building supplement can truly enhance your workout regimen and contribute to a beautiful body as an end result.